Soal Tes TOEFL dan Pembahasan Jawaban Written Expression (Model Test 5)
Soal Tes TOEFL dan
Pembahasan Jawaban Written Expression (Model Test 5)

16. By 1899 Ransom olds had establish in
Detroit, Michigan, the first factory in the United States for the
manufacture of automobiles.
17. The progressive Movement is an umbrella tern refer to a
number of reform efforts that emerged in
the early 1900’s.
18. The pelican is a water bird with a large pouch
attached to its bill, which it uses as a
scoop for catch small fish.
19. The invention of reinforced concrete, plate glass, and
steel in the mid-1800’s was enabled architects to design and
build extremely tall constructions, or “skyscrapers.”
20. Acoustics, the study of sounds, is one
of the oldest of the physically sciences.
21. Each of functions of the body,
even thinking, requires the expenditure of energy.
22. Gourds were introduced to what is now
the southwestern United States by earliest peoples who migrated north
from Mesoamerica about 7000 years ago.
23. The economic heart of Canada,
Ontario accounts for more than 40 percentage of
the nation’s productive capacity.
24. Virtually all parts moving of an
automobile need to be lubricated because, without
lubrication, friction would increase power consumption and damage
the parts.
25. Rarely has a technological
development had as great an impact on society
as the rapid grow of electronics.
26. The North American Review, a magazine was first published in
1815, was one of the leading literary journals of the past woe
27. Fuel is any substance or material that
reacts chemically with another substance or material
to produce hot.
28. Glint was a favored material of
prehistoric humans, which used it to make tools
and weapons, because it would chip into shapes with sharp
29. Mutiny of a ship’s crew against the captain signifies the
breakdown of the obedience and discipline required to
deal effectively to perils at eat.
30. Of all the art-related reference and research library in
North America, that of the Metropolitan Museum of a Art in New
York City is among the largest and most complete.
31. Acclimatization is the process by which
an organism adjusts to living in an environment to which it
normally unsuited.
32. Glaciers, mass of ice that flow outward from
ice caps, cover about one-tenth of earth’s land area.
33. Some species of bacteria and
fungi thrive on such simply compounds as alcohol.
34. In 1923 Alice Paul began campaign to
promote the adoption of an amendment to the
United States Constitution mandating equal rights for women.
35. Perhaps more than any other United
States city, San Francisco is a collection of neighborhood.
36. Almost every the hereditary material of an
individual organism resides in the chromosomes.
37. Only with early seventeenth-century observers did
the music of the original inhabitants of the United States and
Canada entered recorded history.
38. Perhaps the most distinctive features of
sharks and undoubtedly one of the most important reasons for their success is their
well-developed sensory system.
39. The major economic activities of
Cheyenne, Wyoming, include transportation, chemicals,
tourism, but governmental activities.
40. The fiction writer, poetry, and critic
Edgar Allan Poe is among the most familiar of American writers
and one of the most enigmatic.
Kunci dan pembahasan soal
16. By 1899 Ransom olds had establish in Detroit, Michigan, the first factory in the United States for the manufacture of automobiles.
Kunci Jawaban: establish --> established
Topik Materi: Past Perfect (Had + past participle/VIII)
Permasalahan: seperti Have dan Has, Had mesti ketemu dengan kata kerja ke 3 (VERB IIII / Past Participle) seperti "established" bukannnya dengan kata kerja pertama (V I/Simple Form) seperti "establish".
17. The progressive Movement is an umbrella tern refer to a number of reform efforts that emerged in the early 1900’s.
Kunci Jawaban: refer --> referring atau that refers
Topik Materi: Present Participle atau Adjective Clause
Pelajari ke tiga jenis clause di link Subordinating Conjunction
Pelajari ke tiga jenis clause di link Subordinating Conjunction
Permasalahan: "is" merupakan kata kerja dari subject "the progressive movement". Sementara jika menggunakan "refer" maka akan menimbulkan error "double verb". Jadi, kita butuh 1 conjunction (that).
Tips: 2 verb atau 2 clause butuh 1 connector (conjunction). 3 verb atau 3 clause butuh 2 connector (conjunction).
18. The pelican is a water bird with a large pouch attached to its bill, which it uses as a scoop for catch small fish.
Kunci Jawaban: for à to
Topik Materi: perbedaan penggunaan “for” dan “to”.
Penjelasan: “for” dan “to” mempunyai arti yang sama yaitu “untuk”. Secara umum, untuk menyatakan sebuah tujuan, kata yang digunakan ialah “to”. “For” boleh saja digunakan tapi lebih terkhusus ke tujuan penggunaan (fungsi) umum dari suatu benda. Dalam konteks kalimat di atas, “to” dan “for” boleh saja digunakan. Lihat perbedaannya berikut
Tips & Trik: Bentuk pola (pattern) structure “to” dan “for” mempunyai perbedaan.
For + Verb-ing à for catching small fish
For + Noun à for a catch of small fish
To + Simple Form (infinitive) à to catch small fish
I went to the library to study last night. (√)
I went to the library for studying last night. (x)
19. The invention of reinforced concrete, plate glass, and steel in the mid-1800’s was enabled architects to design and build extremely tall constructions, or “skyscrapers.”
Kunci Jawaban: was enabled --> enabled
Topik Materi: Passive Voice
Tips & Trik: Lihat pola passive voice
Subject + Be + VIII + (Preposition + Noun)
20. Acoustics, the study of sounds, is one of the oldest of the physically sciences.
Kunci Jawaban: physically --> physical
Topik Materi: Posisi Adjective dan Adverb
21. Each of functions of the body, even thinking, requires the expenditure of energy.
Kunci Jawaban: of functions --> of the functions
Topik Materi: Definite & Indefinite Article
Tips & Trik: Jangan pernah biarkan Countable Noun berdiri sendiri tanpa ada article atau possessive adjective.
22. Gourds were introduced to what is now the southwestern United States by earliest peoples who migrated north from Mesoamerica about 7000 years ago.
Kunci Jawaban: earliest --> the earliest
Topik Materi: Definite & Indefinite Article
23. The economic heart of Canada, Ontario accounts for more than 40 percentage of the nation’s productive capacity.
Kunci Jawaban: percentage --> percent
Topik Materi: percent VS percentage
24. Virtually all parts moving of an automobile need to be lubricated because, without lubrication, friction would increase power consumption and damage the parts.
Kunci Jawaban: parts moving --> moving parts
Topik Materi: Posisi adjective
25. Rarely has a technological development had as great an impact on society as the rapid grow of electronics.
Kunci Jawaban: grow --> growth
Topik Materi: pemilihan kata Verb VS Noun
26. The North American Review, a magazine was first published in 1815, was one of the leading literary journals of the past woe centuries.
Kunci Jawaban: magazine was --> magazine atau magazine that was
Topik Materi: Appositive atau (Reduced) Adjective Clause
27. Fuel is any substance or material that reacts chemically with another substance or material to produce hot.
Kunci Jawaban: hot --> heat
Topik Materi: pemilihan kata Adjective VS Noun
28. Glint was a favored material of prehistoric humans, which used it to make tools and weapons, because it would chip into shapes with sharp edges.
Kunci Jawaban: which --> who
29. Mutiny of a ship’s crew against the captain signifies the breakdown of the obedience and discipline required to deal effectively to perils at eat.
Kunci Jawaban: to --> with [deal to --> deal with]
Topik Materi: preposition atau phrasal verbs
30. Of all the art-related reference and research library in North America, that of the Metropolitan Museum of a Art in New York City is among the largest and most complete.
Kunci Jawaban: library --> libraries
Topik Materi: Plural or singular Noun
31. Acclimatization is the process by which an organism adjusts to living in an environment to which it normally unsuited.
Kunci Jawaban: it normally --> it is normally
Topik Materi: Passive Voice
32. Glaciers, mass of ice that flow outward from ice caps, cover about one-tenth of earth’s land area.
Kunci Jawaban: mass --> masses
Topik Materi: singular or plural noun atau pronoun preference
33. Some species of bacteria and fungi thrive on such simply compounds as alcohol.
Kunci Jawaban: simply --> simple
Topik Materi: Penggunaan atau posisi dari adjective dan adverb
34. In 1923 Alice Paul began campaign to promote the adoption of an amendment to the United States Constitution mandating equal rights for women.
Kunci Jawaban: an amendment --> the amendment
Topik Materi: Article
35. Perhaps more than any other United States city, San Francisco is a collection of neighborhood.
Kunci Jawaban: neighborhood --> neighborhoods
Materi: Noun menjomblo
36. Almost every the hereditary material of an individual organism resides in the chromosomes.
Kunci Jawaban: every --> each of
Topik Materi: Every VS Each
37. Only with early seventeenth-century observers did the music of the original inhabitants of the United States and Canada entered recorded history.
Kunci Jawaban: entered --> enter
Topik Materi: Inversion of negative expressions
38. Perhaps the most distinctive features of sharks and undoubtedly one of the most important reasons for their success is their well-developed sensory system.
Kunci Jawaban: features --> feature
Topik Materi:
- singular vs plural noun
- Subject-verb agreement - verb nya adalah `is`, olehnya features mestinya feature.
39. The major economic activities of Cheyenne, Wyoming, include transportation, chemicals, tourism, but governmental activities.
Kunci Jawaban: but --> and
Topik Materi: coordinate conjunction (parallel)
40. The fiction writer, poetry, and critic Edgar Allan Poe is among the most familiar of American writers and one of the most enigmatic.
Kunci Jawaban: poetry --> poet
Topik Materi: pemilihan kata Noun thing dan Noun People