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Kata ini harus diikuti article `the` - TOEFL ITP

Daftar Kata yang Menggunakan Article `the`

Berikut daftar kata yang hampir selalu menggunakan article `the`. Penting untuk dipelajari, karena materi ini sering diujikan di soal TOEFL ITP.

A. The world

Kata yang pertama ialah `world`. Jika di soal TOEFL, ada kata `world` dan sebelumnya tidak diikuti dengan `the` maka umumnya bisa dipastikan salah. 

Conto soal TOEFL ITP

  1. The first national park in world, Yellowstone National Park, was established in 1872.
  2. Since the advent of rock music in the 1950’s the popular music of the United States has become a significant musical influence around world.

B. The same

Sama halnya dengan kata `world`, kata `same` juga mesti dipastikan diikuti dengan article `the`. 

Contoh soal TOEFL

  1. By identifying similar words or structures in different languages, we find evidence that those languages are related and may be derived from same ancestor.
  2. Mitosis is the normal process by which a cell divides, each new cell ending up wich a same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
  3. Lightning tends to strike the nearest good conductor, and hence often strikes in same place more than once.
  4. Few substances look less alike than coal and diamonds, yet both are fashioned from same elemental carbon. 
  5. A musical organ can have pipes of two kinds: flue pipes that work like a flute and reed pipes that operate on same principle as a clarinet.

C. The most / the -est

`The` juga normalnya digunakan untuk adjective/adverb yang berbentuk superlative (the most ... / the -est). 

Contoh soal TOEFL

  1. In the traditional sense, a molecule is smallest particle of a chemical substance capable of independent existence while retaining all of its chemical properties.
  2. The Executive Mansion, constructed in the 1790’s and now popularly called the White House, is oldest public edifice in Washington, D.C.
  3. Gourds were introduced to what is now the southwestern United States by earliest peoples who migrated north from Mesoamerica about 7000 years ago.
  4. An enormous variety of information may be obtained from a largest daily newspaper.

Pengecualian 1

Article `the` tidak diperlukan jika sebelum superlative ada possessive adjective (e.g., his, her, our, Ali`s, etc.)

  1. Salt Lake City, Utah’s capital and largest city, is industrial and banking center. 
  2. Subjects of Cecilia Beaux’s paintings included prominent figures in government, the arts, and financial, but her strongest works are portraits of family members and friends. 


  1. C. is an industrial ... center.
  2. B. Finance

Pengecualian 2

Penggunaan `the` hanya wajib jika superlative diikuti dengan kata benda (noun). Jika setelahnya tidak ada noun, make sifatnya optional (boleh ada boleh tidak). Contoh: 

  • Ali and Anto are most intelligent. 
  • Ali and Anto are the most intelligent.
Ke dua kalimat di atas benar. Contoh lainnya: (dalam kurung artinya boleh ada boleh tidak ada). 
  • This room is (the) biggest.
  • She is (the) most diligent. 
  • This restaurant is (the) best. 

Contoh soal TOEFL

  1. Although flies live longest in cool temperatures, it breed prolifically when temperatures are warm, food is abundant, and humidity is moderate
  2. Although all sedimentary rocks contain iron, but the deposits that are richest in iron consist predominantly of minerals such as iron oxides, carbonates, silicates, and sulfides.
  3. Of every the major traditions of wood carving, the one that is closest in structure to the tree is the crest pole made by the Native Americans of the Northwest coast. 


  1. B. it --> they
  2. A. `but` dihilangkan
  3. A. Of all 

D. Ordinal number (first, second, third)

Kata odinal number (1st, 2nd, 3rd, dst.) juga menggunakan article `the`. 

Contoh soal ITP

  1. On December 7,1787, Delaware became a first state to ratify the Constitution.
  2. Ballads were early types of poetry and may have been among a first kinds of music.
  3. In 1973 the United States armed forces were placed on an all-volunteer basis for a first time since 1984.
  4. During first ten years of the Space Age, which began in 1957, more than 500 artificial satellites were rocketed into orbit around the Earth.
  5. Construction of first skyscraper began in Chicago in 1883 with the ten-story Home Insurance Building.


Kata first/second/third tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai ordinal number (determiner), tapi juga bisa berfungsi sebagai adverb. Ketika berfungsi sebagai adverb, maka tidak perlu menggunakan `the`. 

  1. There was at least 2,000 years ago that inhabitants of the Northwest Coast of North America first established trade mutes for obsidian.
  2. The Inuit probable first came to North America by crossing the Bering Strait landbridge from Asia about 4,000 years ago
  3. In the United States, Maryland ranks second only to Virginia as a oyster- producing state.
  1. A. It was ... that
  2. A. probably
  3. D. an oyster

E. the end of

Kesalahan pada frasa `the end of` juga diujikan. Jika kita menemukan `end of` tanpa article `the` maka bisa dipastikan salah. 

Contoh soal TOEFL

  1. It was near end of prehistoric times that the first wheeled vehicles appeared. 
  2. Great technical advances in aerial and satellite photography have been made since end of the Second World War.

F. One/some/most/all

Kata `one/some/most/all` ketika diikuti dnegan `of`, maka wajib menggunakan article `the`, atau bisa diganti dnegan possessive adjective (his/her/our/their/Ali`s)

  • one student (benar)
  • one of students (salah)
  • one of the students (benar)
  • one of my students (benar)
  • some books (benar)
  • some of books (salah)
  • some of the books (benar)
  • some ot his books (benar)

Contoh soal TOEFL

  1. Lactose, a sugar present in milk, is one of simple sugars used in food preparations for infants.
  2. Flash photography is widely used for taking pictures when the natural light is insufficient, such as outdoors at night and indoors most of time.
  3. Jupiter is a gaseous planet with. an atmosphere composed most of hydrogen and helium.
  4. _____ ants live in nests, which may be located in the ground, under a rock, or built above ground and may be made of twigs, sand, or gravel.
    (A) Most (B) The most of (C) Most of (D) Of the most
  5. Almost _____ substances expand in volume when heated and contract when cooled.
    (A) all (B) they all (C) all of (D) all are


  1. C. one of the ... sugars
  2. D. most of the time
  3. C. composed mostly of hydrogen
  4. A. Most - Pilihan C benar jika diikuti dengan `the` (most of the ants)
  5. A. all - Pilihan C benar jika diikuti dengan `the` (all of the substances)

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