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Daftar Idiom yang pernah muncul di tes TOEFL ITP

Kumpulan idiom yang muncul di tes TOEFL ITP

Daftar idiom serta beberapa less-common expressions di bawah semuanya pernah muncul di soal ITP asli. Daftar ini akan terus kami update sesuai data yang masuk. Olehnya, silahkan tetap selalu cek blog kami. Jumlah soal yang sudah terkumpul: 7 paket soal.

Singkatan yag digunakan

  • sb: somebody
  • sth: something

Untuk mengecek langsung penggunaan Idiom di atas dalam kalimat, silahkan kunjungi yang dimiliki oleh Oxford University Press (OUP).

  • to put a lot of time into something:  to work hard on something
  • to slip one's mind: to forget to do sth
  • to liven sth up: to make sth become more interesting and exciting
  • in your shoes: to be in your situation/position
  • to perfect the art (of sth): to be an expert at sth
  • to have an ear for language/music: to be good at language/music
  • Beats me.: I don’t know.
  • to come a long way: to make a lot of progress
  • To grow up on sth: to do sth a lot since childhood
  • to pour (with rain): to rain heavily
  • hard on sb: to criticize sb severely or to treat sb unfairly
  • up to sb` ears in sth: to be very busy with sth
    Ex: Tomorrow, I`ll be up to my ears in work/school assignment/in studying for an exam. 
  • to take a rain check (on sth): to need to decline (an invitation or offer)
    Note: digunakan untuk menolak ajakan secara sopan.
  • to straighten out(a problem): to fix/solve (a problem)
  • to get (sth) off the ground: to get (sth) started
  • to give/lend sb a hand: to help sb
  • to shake a disease: to get rid of/to recover from a disease (e.g., cold)
  • to get along (with sb): to have a good relationship (with sb).
  • to figure out: to understand 
  • for the life of me: although I am trying very hard (however hard I try)
  • out of shape: to be unfit (not physically healthy enough)
  • to wear sb out: to make someone extremely tired
  • on edge: nervous and not relaxed
  • to account for: to explain the reason for
    Ex: Can you account for your lateness? 
  • to work on sth: to improve/repair sth, or to spend time repairing or improving sth
  • to work sth out: to understand sth
  • to stick with sth: to continue doing something 
  • in over your head: involved in a difficult situation that you cannot get out of
    Ex: A part-time job could be useful during study, but make sure it is not in over your head.
  • soaked: extremely wet
  • to rave about sth: to praise something very much
  • too good to be true: so good that probably not true
  • awfully drowsy: extremely sleepy
  • lay sb off: to stop employing someone, usually because there is no work for them to do 
  • to stock up on sth: to by a large quantity of sth
  • pushover: someone who is easily persuaded or influenced or defeated
    e.g., The new professor is no pushover. 
  • refreshment: (small amounts of) food and drink
  • make ends meet: earn enough money to live without getting into debt.
  • Just a second/minute/moment: Please wait. [Tunggu sebentar.]
  • get/have sth over with: to do or finish an unpleasant but necessary piece of work
  • a (huge) weight (has been lifted) off one's mind/shoulders: to be relieved of a burden, usually a worry or concern
  • (utterly) devastated: extremely upset or sad
  • to go over with sth: to study/examine sth in a detailed way
  • on sale: reduced in price
  • running (a little) behind: a bit late
  • catch (sb) up: to reach someone in front of you by going faster than them
  • to run for (a president): to compete as a (president) candidate in an election
  • my kind of thing: sth you really like
  • my cup of tea: something I like or excel in
  • no kidding: used when you are surprised by what someone has just said 
  • Two heads are better than one.: used to say that it is easier for two people who help each other to solve a problem than it is for one person to solve a problem alone
  • to call it a day: to stop what you are doing because you do not want to do any more or think you have done enough
  • To tell (you) the truth: I have to admit that
  • keep my eyes open/skinned/peeled (for sth/sb): to watch carefully for sb or sth
  • to follow sth/sb: to understand sth/sb
  • It takes some getting used to.: It takes time to become familiar with someone or sth.
  • to change: ganti baju
  • to get a sense of achievement/accomplishment: to have a proud feeling of having done something difficult and worthwhile
  • I have seen enough.
    When someone uses this expression, they mean that they don‘t want any more excuses or to hear anything else from you or the person they are talking to. That is, they are sure of their belief and don`t want to change his statement. 
  • Don't look at me!
    A response indicating that one is either unwilling to perform a task, or that one is not guilty of something for which blame was implied.
  • to pick up: to collect sth / sb
  • had (`d) better: should
  • overcast: cloudy
  • the last thing (in the world) you want to do etc.: sth that you certainly do not want to do
  • come up with sth: to suggest or think of an idea or plan
  • do you good: to improve your life or health
    e.g., I have three exams next week. Staying at home this whole week could do me good.
  • to have/get time off: time when you are not at work or at school
Daftar kumpulan idiom in akan terus kami update. Jangan lupa selalu kunjungi blog kami. 

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