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Contoh Soal Latihan Penggunaan Article A, AN, THE Jawaban

Contoh Soal Latihan Penggunaan Article A, AN, THE Jawaban

Article merupakan salah satu materi yang harus Anda pelajari dalam mempersiapakan diri anda dalam menghadapi soal TOEFL ITP sesi structure and written exrpression. Soal article di bawah ini bersumber dari buku Cliff. Berhubung penjelasan penggunaan article begitu luas kami sarankan Anda untuk mencari referensi lain dalam menggunakan article secara akurat. Di bawah ini kami telah memberikan penjelasan secara singkat terkait garis-garis umum ynag perlu Anda ketahui sebagai pelajaran dasar dalam memahami article dengan baik. Akhir kata semoga Contoh Soal Latihan Penggunaan Article A, AN, THE Jawaban di bawah ini dapat memudahkan Anda dlam menjawab soal TOEFL ITP bagian structure and written expression.

Pengertian Article

Article (English) biasa dikenal dalam bahasa Indonesia sebagai kata sandang. Article terbagi atas dua bentuk yaitu indefinite article (article tak tentu) dan definite article (articel tertentu). Contoh indifenite article yaitu A dan AN. Sementara bentuk definite article ialah THE

Indefinite Article

Article A digunakan di depan noun (kata benda) yang dimulai dengan consonant atau vowel yang pengucapannya (pronunciation) berbentuk consonant. Contoh: a man, a hat, a university, a house, a European, a one way street, dan lain-lain.

Article AN digunakan di depan noun (kata benda) yang dimulai dengan vowel atau consonant yang pronunciation-nya berbentuk vowel. Contoh: an apple, an island, an uncle, an onion, an hour.

Difinite Article

Article THE digunakan untuk mengindikasikan bahwa sesuatu yang telah diketahui atau sesuatu yang telah umum. Di bawah kami berikan 2 contoh penggunaan article THE. Untuk lebih jauh mengenal penggunaan article THE, kami sarankan untuk mencari referensi lain berhubung aturan penggunaan article THE itu sangat luas.

Soal Latihan Penggunaan Article A, AN, THE

  1. Jason’s father bought him _______ bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday.
  2. ______ Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from ______ France to ______ United States.
  3. Rita is studying _______ English and _______ math this semester.
  4. _______ judge asked ______ witness to tell ______ truth.
  5. Please give me _______ cup of _______ coffee with ______ cream and ______ sugar.
  6. ______ big books on ______ table are for my history class.
  7. No one in _______ Spanish class knew ______ correct answer to _______ Mrs. Perez’s question.
  8. My ________ car is four years old and it still runs well.
  9. When you go to ______ store, please buy _____ bottle of ______ chocolate milk and _____ dozen oranges.
  10. There are only _______ few seats left for ______ tonight’s musical at ______ university.
  11. John and Marcy went to ______ school yesterday and then studied in ______ library before returning home.
  12. ______ Lake Erie is one of ______ five Great Lakes in _______ North America.
  13. On our trip to _____ Spain, we crossed ______ Atlantic Ocean.
  14. _______ Mount Rushmore is the site of ______ magnificent tribute ______ four great American presidents.
  15. What did you eat for _______ breakfast this morning?
  16. Louie played _______ basketball and ______ baseball at ______ Boy’s Club this year.
  17. Rita plays _______ violin and her sister plays _______ guitar.
  18. While we were in _____ Alaska, we saw ______  Eskimo village.
  19. Phil can’t go to _______ movies tonight because he has to write ______ essay.
  20. David attended _______ Princeton University.
  21. Harry has been admitted to _______ School of Medicine at _______Midwestern university.
  22. Mel’s grandmother is in ________ hospital, so we went to visit her _____ last night.
  23. _______ political science class is taking ______ trip to _______ Soviet Union in _______ Spring.
  24. ________ Queen Elizabeth II is _______ monarch of _______ Great Britain.
  25. ________ Declaration of Independence was drawn up in 1776.
  26. Scientist hope to send _______ expedition to _______ Mars during 1980s.
  27. Last night there was _______  bird singing outside my house.
  28. _______ chair that you are sitting in is broken.
  29. _______ Civil War was fought in _______ United States between 1861 and 1865.
  30. _______ Florida State University is smaller than _______ University of Florida.

Kunci Jawaban Soal Latihan Article A, AN, THE (Sumber: Cliff)

  1. the
  2. The, ∅, the
  3. ∅, ∅
  4. The, the, the
  5. a, ∅, ∅, ∅
  6. The, the
  7. the atau ∅, the, ∅
  8. the, a, ∅, a
  9. a, ∅, the
  10. ∅, the
  11. ∅, the, ∅
  12. ∅, the
  13. ∅, a atau the, ∅
  14. ∅, ∅, the
  15. the atau ∅, the atau ∅
  16. ∅, an
  17. the, an
  18. the, a
  19. the, ∅
  20. the atau A, a, the, the
  21. ∅, the, ∅
  22. The
  23. an, ∅, the
  24. a
  25. The
  26. The, the
  27. ∅, the