Soal Tes TOEFL dan Pembahasan Jawaban Written Expression (Model Test 3)
Soal Tes TOEFL dan Pembahasan Jawaban Written Expression (Model Test 3)
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Soal Tes TOEFL dan Pembahasan Jawaban |
16.Bacterial cultures are
used commercially in the preparation of food
products such that yogurt, sour cream, and vinegar.
Pembahasan Jawaban: such
that --> such as
Pasangan phrase
17.Anyone with absolute ,or
perfect,pitch are able to identify by ear any note
at some standard pitch or to sing a specified
note at will.
Pembahasan Jawaban: are --> is
(singular) + is (singular)
18. Sea horses usually live
along the shore among seaweed and other plants to which they cling
to by their tails.
Pembahasan Jawaban: cling to --> cling (double
Adjective clause.
dua bentuk: (1) to which
they cling by their tails (2) which they cling to by their tails. Bentuk
pertama umum digunakan untuk situasi formal.
19. Babies have soft
spots between the bones of their skulls, which allowing for
further growth.
Pembahasan Jawaban: allowing (adjective / present
participle) --> allow (verb)
Adjective clause: Connector/Subject
+ Verb à which (connector/subject)
20. T.S.Elot, who a
poet, playwright, literary critic, and editor, was a
leader of the Modernist movement in poetry.
Pembahasan Jawaban: who --> dihilangkan
Appositive : noun (phrase)
yang menjelaskan noun lainnya (yang umumnya posisi subject dalam soal TOEFL)
21. The Pacific Ocean comprises almost
the entire boundary western of North and South
Pembahasan Jawaban: boundary western -->
western boundary
Noun phrase:
Adjective +noun
22.Established in
1948, the State University of New York is the singly largest university system in
the United States.
Pembahasan Jawaban: singly largest --> single
Pasangan phrase
23. Photography disseminates
information about humanity and nature, records the visible world,
and extension human knowledge into areas the eye
cannot penetrate.
Pembahasan Jawaban: extension --> extends
Structure: disseminates (verb), records (verb), extends
24. Because of their rapidly changing economically fortunes,
many frontier towns of the American West underwent spectacular
fluctuations in population in the nineteenth century.
Pembahasan Jawaban: economically (adverb) -->
economical (adjective) | rapidly (adverb) changing
(adjective) economically (adverb) fortunes (noun)
Noun Phrase: adverb +
adjective + noun
25. Virtually no
disease exists today for which there is no drug that can be
given, neither to cure the disease or to alleviate its symptoms.
Pembahasan Jawaban: neither --> either
Paired Conjunction: either ..
or ... , neither ... nor, both ... and
26.Calcium is essential for blood clotting, for the action of certain enzymes, and for the normal contraction and relax of muscles.
Pembahasan Jawaban: relax (verb) --> relaxation
1. for the relaxation of
muscles (preposition + noun)
2. the noun + of +
27.The large collection
of the Williams College Museum of Art includes ancient and
medieval art ,but much exhibits are modern or
Pembahasan Jawaban: much --> many
Much + singular nouns
(uncountable); many + plural nouns (countable)
28.The technique of
spectroscopy allows analyst of incoming light after it has
been separated into its component wavelengths by
passage through a prism.
Pembahasan Jawaban: analyst (person) -->
analysis (thing)
Noun: sesuaikan posisi kata.
29. Today,
fifty years after its construction, the Alaska Highway conveys 40,000
vehicles in normal year.
Pembahasan Jawaban: in normal --> in a normal
Noun: year merupakan countable
noun. Jadi mesti ada artikel untuk mengetahui secara pasti berapa tahun (year)
yang dimaksud. Artikel yang bisa digunakan dapat berupa: a, an, the.
Disesuaikan makna kalimat.
30. Since
prehistoric times, artists have been arranged colors on
surfaces in ways that express their ideas about people, the world, and
Passive Voice:
31. Few substances look
less alike than coal and diamonds, yet both are fashioned from
same elemental carbon.
Pembahasan Jawaban: from same à from
the same
Same umumnya bersama dengan the
-à the same
32. Meteorologists can program
their computes to scan for a specific set of weather
criteria, such as falling barometric pressure, increase cloud
cover, and rising humidity.
Pembahasan Jawaban: increase (to infinitive) à
increasing (gerund)
Parallel Structure: falling
(gerund), increasing, rising (gerund)
33. Obsidian is formed
when siliceous lava cools too rapidly to crystallized into
rock-forming minerals.
Pembahasan Jawaban: crystallized à crystallize
atau be crystallized
Makna yang diminta kalimat
adalah makna pasif. Jika Noun + to + infinitive maka to infinitive bermakna
pasif. Contoh lain: this is the best book to read (inilah buku yang
paling bagus untuk dibaca)
34. European settlers in
North America moved from the Atlantic coast across 3,000 miles
forests, grasslands, deserts, and mountains until they
reached the Pacific Ocean.
Pembahasan Jawaban: 3,000 miles forests à 3,000
mile forests
Ingat noun yang berfungsi /
berposisi adjective tidak menggunakan tambahn -S
35. Philosophy tries to
discover the nature of true and knowledge and to
find what is of basic value and importance in
Pembahasan Jawaban: true (adjective) – truth
Preposition + noun (of + truth)
36. In this world of high technology,
it is easy to forget that the most important tools ever
developed for learning is still the book.
Pembahasan Jawaban: tools (plural) à tool (singular)
disesuaikan dengan kata kerja is (singular)
Subject Verb Agreement:
singular subject + singular verb; plural subject + plural verb
37. The element potassium makes
up less than one half percentage of the human
Pembahasan Jawaban: percentage --> percent
38. Twenty thousand years ago a
sheet of ice a thousand meters thick covered
the coastal region which the cities of Vancouver and Juneau now
are located.
Which à in
Pembahasan Jawaban: adjective clause: located in
Ada dua bentuk: (1) in which the
cities of Vancouver and Juneau now are located (Formal); (2) which the
cities of Vancouver and Juneau now are located in (Informal)
39. The Crow, Blackfoot, and
Sioux tribes traditionally adorned they dwellings
and costumes with colorful and highly valued beaded decorations.
Pembahasan Jawaban: they à their
Penggunaan Pronoun: they +
verb; their + noun
40. In the late 1800’s, United
States painter Thomas Eakins develop a broad,
powerful Realist style that became almost expressionistic
in his later years.
Pembahasan Jawaban: develop
(present tense) à developed (past tense)
Tense: in the late 1800’s
menandakan waktu yang lampau (past)