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Tips Menjawab Soal TOEFL (Listening Skill 4)

Tips Menjawab Soal TOEFL (Listening Skill 4)

Tips Menjawab Soal TOEFL (Listening Skill 3)

Skill 4: Draw Conclusions about WHO, WHAT, WHERE (Tariklah sebuah kesimpulan terkait Siapa, Apa, Di Mana)

It is common in Listening Part A to ask you to draw some kind to conclusion. In this type of question the answer is not clearly stated; instead you must draw a conclusion based on clues given in the conversation. One kind of conclusion that is common in this part of the test is to ask you to determine: Who the speaker is, based on the clues given in the conversation.
Hal yang umum dalam tes TOEFL Listening Part A meminta Anda untuk menarik beberapa bentuk kesimpulan. Tipe pertanyaan ini, jawaban tidak dinyatakan dengan jelas. Olehnya Anda harus menarik sebuah kesimpulan berdasarkan petunjuk yang diberikan di percakapan. Salah satu tipe yang umum dalam ditanyakan yaitu terkait “siapa yang berbicara (who the speaker is), berdasarkan petunjuk yang diberikan di percakapan.

The clues class, homework, and quiz in the conversation tell you that the man is probably a teacher. Answer (C )is therefore the correct answer.
Kata kunci seperti classhomework, dan quiz dalam percakapan memberitahu bahwa laki laki itu kemungkinannya adalah seorang guru. Olehnya jawaban yang benar yaitu (C).

Another types of conclusion that is common in Listening Part A is to determine what bprobably happen next, based on the clues given in the conversation.
Jenis lain yang umum dalam tes TOEFL Listening Part A meminta Anda untuk menentukan apa yang akan terjadi selanjutnya, berdasarkan petunjuk atau kata-kata kunci dalam percakapan.
contoh soal toefl listening

The man says that he would check the books out now. Since the circulation desk is where you go to check books out from a library, the man will probably go to the circulation desk next. Therefore the correct answer is (D).
Laki-laki itu berkata bahwa dia ingin meminjam buku-buku itu sekarang (check the books out now).  Karena circulation desk merupakan tempat untuk meminjam buku dari perpustakaan, laki-laki tersebut kemungkinan selanjutnya akan pergi ke circulation desk. Olehnnya jawaban yang benar yaitu (D).

A final type of conclusion that is common in Listening Part A is to determine where the conversation probably take place, based on clues given in the conversation.
Jenis lain yang umum dalam tes TOEFL Listening Part A meminta Anda untuk menentukan di mana percakapan sedang berlangsung, berdasarkan petunjuk atau kata-kata kunci dalam percakapan.
soal listening toef dan audio

The clues water, sand and suntan lotion in the conversation tell you that this the conversation probably takes place at the beach. Therefore the correct answer is (B)
Kata-kunci atau petunjuknya terletak pada kata watersand, dan suntan lotion. Dari kata-kata tersebut bisa kita tarik kesimpuan bahwa tempat percakapan ini berlangsung di pantai (at the beach). Olehnya jawaban yang benar yaitu (B).

The following chart outlines the key point that you should remember about this type of question:
It is common for you to be asked to draw one of the following conclusions in listening in Part A:
1. WHO is probably talking?
2. WHAT will s/he probably do next?
3. WHERE does the conversation probably take place?

Exercise 4: In this exercise, read the short conversation and question, underline the clues that help you answer the question, and then choose the best answer. You will have to draw conclusions about who, what, and where.

1.   (man)         I'd like to deposit this check in my account, please.
      (woman)    Would you like any cash back?
      (narrator)    Who is the woman?

     (A) A store clerk.
     (B) A Bank Teller.
     (C) An Accountant.
     (D) A Waitress.

2.  (woman)     Have you deposited your paycheck yet?
     (man)          No, but that's next on my list of errands.
    (narrator)     What will the man probably do?

       (A) Earn his paycheck.
       (B) Write a check for a deposit on an apartment.
       (C) Go to a bank.
       (D) Make a list of errands to run.

3.  (man)           Did you get the bread, eggs, and milk?
      (woman)     Now we need to stand in line at the checkout counter.
      (narrator)    Where does the conversation probably take places?

      (A) In a restaurant.
      (B) At a library.
      (C) On a farm.
      (D) In a market.

TOEFL EXERCISE 4: In this exercise, listen carefully to the short conversation and question on the tape, and then choose the best answer to the question. You will have to draw conclusions about who, what, and where.
Click the audio below for the listening recording (the audio).

1. (A) In the photography studio.
(B) In a biology laboratory.
(C)In an office.
(D)In the library.

2. (A) He’s a pilot.
(B) He’s a flight attendant.
(C)He’s a member of the grounds crew.
(D)He works clearing land.

3. (A) Wash the dishes immediately.
(B) Use as many dishes as possible.
(C)Wash   the   dishes   for   as   long   as possible.
(D)Wait until later to clean up.

4. (A) In a bank.
(B) In a restaurant.
(C)At a service station.
(D)In a beautiful salon.

5. (A) A salesclerk in a shoe store.
(B) A shoe repair person.
(C)A party caterer.
(D)A salesclerk in a fixtures department.

6. (A) On a playground.
(B) In a parking lot.
(C)At a zoo.
(D)In a photo studio.

7. (A) Respond to the mail.
(B) Put the letters in a file.
(C)It depends on where the files is.
(D)File the answers she received to the letters.

8. (A) In an airplane.
(B) In a police car.
(C)In a theater.
(D)At a fireworks exhibit.

9. (A) Take care of Bob.
(B) Invite Bob to dinner.
(C)Let Bob know that they accept his invitation.
(D)Respond to the woman’s question.

10.(A) A pharmacist.
(B) A dentist.
(C)A teacher.
(D)A business manager.

Kunci Jawaban dan recording script / skrip rekaman dari tips menjawab soal listening TOEFL skill 4: Draw conclusions about who, what, where.

Kunci Jawaban Exercise 4
1. (B) A Bank Teller.
2. (C) Go to a bank.
3. (D) In a market.

Kunci Jawaban dan transkrip rekaman TOEFL EXERCISE 4
(woman) I didn't bring my laboratory manual today
(man) You can share mine. Today's we're conducting the experiment on photosynthesis, and we can work together
(narrator) Where does the conversation probably take place?

(A) In a photography studio
(B) In a biology laboratory
(C) In an office
(D) In the library

(man) This is flight 707 requesting permission to land
(woman) Flight 707, you are cleared to for landing?
(narrator) Who is the man?

(A) He's a pilot
(B) He's a flight attendant
(C) He's a member of the ground crew
(D) He works clearing land

(woman) Do you want to do the dishes now or later?
(man) I'd rather put them off as long as possible?
(narrator) What will the man probably do next?

(A) Wash the dishes immediately
(B) Use as many dishes as possible
(C) Wash the dishes for as long as possible
(D) Wait until later to clean up

(man) How much of a tip should I leave?
(woman) Oh, a dollar's plenty. The service wasn't very good?
(narrator) Where does this conversation probably take place?

(A) In a bank
(B) In a restaurant
(C) At a service station
(D) In a beauty salon

(woman) Can I pick up my shoes on Tuesday? I need them for a party that night
(man) They should be fixed by then?
(narrator) Who is the man?

(A) A salesclerk in a shoe store
(B) A shoe repair person
(C) A party caterer
(D) A salesclerk in a fixtures department

(woman) Did you get the pictures of the lions?
(man) Yes, and now let's go the other side of the park. I want to see the exotic birds
(narrator) Where does this conversation probably take place?

(A) On a playground
(B) In a parking lot
(C) At a zoo
(D) In a photo studio

(man) Could you put the letters in the pending file now?
(woman) Yes. Then I can answer them tomorrow
(narrator) What will the woman probably do next?

(A) Respond to the mail
(B) Put the letters in a file
(C) It depends on where the file is

(D) File the answers she received to the letters

(man) The lights are flashing, and everyone's going in. 
(woman) We should take our seats now before the second act starts. 
(narrator) Where does this conversation probably take place?

(A) In an airplane.
(B) In a police car.
(C)In a theater.
(D)At a fireworks exhibit.

(woman) Have you responded to Bob's dinner invitation yet?
(man) I'll take care of it right away
(narrator) What will the man probably do next?

(A) Take care of Bob.
(B) Invite Bob to dinner.
(C) Let Bob know that they accept his invitation.
(D) Respond to the woman’s question.

(man) Can you fill this prescription for me?
(woman) If you live the prescription, I can have it filled in about ten minutes.
(narrator) Who is the woman?

(A) A pharmacist.
(B) A dentist.
(C) A teacher.
(D) A business manager.

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