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Soal TOEFL dan Pembahasan (Reading Part V)

Soal TOEFL dan Pembahasan (Reading Part V)

Soal TOEFL ini merupakan soal TOEFL sesuai standar TOEFL ITP. Bentuk soal yang diujikan dalam TOEFL ITP berbentuk mirip dengan soal di bawah ini. Soal di bawah bersumber dari buku Cliff -TOEFL Preparation Guide. Soal di bawah ini paling tidak dapat memberikan gambaran kepada Anda terkait bagaimana bentuk soal TOEFL ITP pada sesi reading comprehension yang diujikan sebagai sesi terakhir setelah sesi listening comprehension dan structure and written expression.

Diharapkan dengan soal TOEFL dan pembahasan di bawah ini dapat menambah referensi bagi Anda dalam meningkatkan kinerja Anda dalam menjawab soal TOEFL dengan cepat dan akurat. Terutama terkait bentuk soal pada sesi reading comprehension dan pembendaharaan vocabulary Anda dapat bertambah.

Soal TOEFL -Reading Comprehension

Tampa, Florida, owes a great deal of its growth and prosperity to a Cuban cigar manufacturer named Vicente martinez Ybor. When civil war broke out in 1869, he was forced to flee his country, and he moved his business to south Florida. Sixteen years later, labor union problems in Key West caused him to seek a better location along the west coast of the state. He bought a forty-acre tract of land and made plans to set up his cigar factory on the site. This original sixteen-block stretch of land later expanded to one hundred acres near Tampa. This newly developed area was called Ybor City in his honor. Spanish, Italian, and Cuban immigrants flocked to the area as the demand for workers in the cigar factory increased. One fifth of the city’s twenty thousand resident enjoyed the high-paying jobs there. At the end of the 1800s, Jose Marti, a Cuban poet and freedom fighter, organized a revolution from Ybor City and managed to get considerable support for his movement. Teddy Roosevelt’s “Rough Riders” were stationed there during the Spanish-American War in 1898. Much of the prosperity of this region is due to Ybor’s cigar factory established more than one hundred years ago.

42. Where is Ybor City located?
A. South Florida
B. Cuba
C. West Florida
D. Marti

43. The word “flee” in line 4 means most nearly the same as
A. Escape
B. Return to
C. Fight
D. disembody

44. The word “seek” in line 6 is closest in meaning to
A. Purchase
B. Pursue
C. Elude
D. develop

45. Why will people probably continue to remember Ybor’s name?
A. He suffered a great deal
B. An area was named in his honor
C. He was a Cuban revolutionary
D. He was forced to flee his homeland

46. In line 12, the word “flocked” is closest in meaning to
A. Came in large numbers
B. Escaped hurriedly
C. Increased rapidly
D. Prospered greatly

47. In the early years, how many residents of Ybor City worked in the cigar factory
A. 4,000
B. 5,000
C. 10,000
D. 20,000

48. What is the best title for the passage?
A. The Spanish-American War
B. Cuban Contributions in the Development of Ybor City
C. Ybor’s Contribution to developing part of the Tampa Area
D. The Process of Cigar Manufacturing

49. In line 8, “site” is closest in meaning to
A. Location
B. View
C. Vision
D. Indebtedness

50. Who was Jose marti
A. A good friend of Ybor
B. One of Teddy Roosevelt’s “Rough Riders”
C. A Cuban writer who sought to free his country
D. A worker in the cigar factory

Pembahasan Kunci Jawaban Soal TOEFL

42. Soal ini menanyakan di mana lokasi Ybor City. Dari kalimat "Sixteen years later, labor union problems in Key West caused him to seek a better location along the west coast of the state" dapat diketahui bahwa lokasi dari Ybor City terletak di West Florida. Jawaban yang benal ialah pilihan C.

43. "Flee" merupakan sinonim dari "escape" yang bermakna meninggalkan atau meloloskan diri dari .... Pilihan yang benar ialah A. Escape.

44. "Seek" mempunyai makna yang sama dengan kata pursue bermakna mencari. Pilihan jawaban yang sesuai ialah pilihan B. 

45. Jawaban yang  benar yaitu B. Dari bacaan dapat diduga / disimpulkan bahwa Ybor akan dikenang karena nama Ybor City diagkat atas penghormatan terhadap Ybor (An area was named in his honor).

46. "Flocked" dalam klaimat tersebut bermakna "came in large numbers." Kunci jawaban yang benar yaitu pilihan A.

47. Jawaban yang sesuai bacaan yaitu pilhan A. Jawaban soal ini bisa didapatkan dari kalimat "One fifth of the city’s twenty thousand residents enjoyed the high-paying jobs there." one fifth of twenty thousands (1/5 x 20,000) = four thousand (4,000).

48. Secara keseluruhan bisa dilihat reading di atas membahas terkait "Ybor’s Contribution to developing part of the Tampa Area." Jawaban yang tepat ialah C.

49. "Site" semakna dengan kata "location". Jadi kunci jawabannya ialah pilihan A.

50. Dari kalimat "At the end of the 1800s, Jose Marti, a Cuban poet and freedom fighter, organized a revolution from Ybor City and managed to get considerable support for his movement" bisa diketahui bahwa Jose Marti merupkan "A Cuban writer who sought to free his country." Jadi jawaban yang benar ialah pilihan C.

Demikianlah kiranya soal TOEFL dan pembahasan -reading part v. Semoga dapat menambah wawasan Anda dalam menjawab soal TOEFL ITP untuk sesi reading comprehension. Sekiranya berkenan silahkan situs Pusat TOEFL ini diberitahukan ke teman-teman yang lain. Agar mereka juga lebih punya kesempatan untuk pula meningkatkan skor TOEFL mereka.

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